Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Loving myself to safety?

Thats what I call normal. It's the safe space that most people live in, or at least I lived in until my first panic attack.
I am not a negative person. I actually use to drive people nuts with how positive I was, especially my husband. If he said a negative I would turn it around to a positive. It drove him nuts, so i stopped. But he kept saying the negatives. Then life happened.
He had a brain injury. Sort of like a massive stroke. It was from a med. Then there are people who say it couldn't be from a med. Aiy Carumba!
So now I have all the kids, and the money and the stress all on my pretty little size 12 back. (yet I still feel fat and ugly)
SO the world cam crashing down and then I got a panic disorder. I think its my way of running away so He will help, or the kids will behave, or at least i will get a few minutes of peace before that one tries to kill this one! UGH!
So somewhere in between all of this I am suppose to learn to love myself. HMmm.. Maybe I can fit it in the tuesday after next!

1 comment:

  1. Normal? Safe? Where is that? In Hawaii? In Thailand? In your heart is your normal and safe place.

    Filter out the noises around you so you can connect with yourself. I made a ritual for me...I get a manicure every week. Sometimes it is me giving me pretty manicure...Sometimes is done by someone. Mostly me though. Do anything even if it is just look out the window and watch the blue jay fly by.

    You can't have want until you want what you have. and somehow I sense resentment. yes?

    I love you the way you are no more and no less no matter what. xo
